Your swing coach and your trainer should be the same person.

When you understand why your body swings the way it does, the path to your ideal swing becomes clear.

The TrackMan Experience

Performance Data Matters.

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Make the invisible visible.

The powerful combination of TrackMan data, video, and overlay graphics has become indispensable in speeding up the learning process.

Teaching & Training

Know, Grow, Show, Repeat.

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1. Know

When developing skill It is imperative to first know exactly where you stand. No two bodies are exactly the same. The physical screening process developed by Titleist Performance Institute is an integral part of my work as it gives us a snapshot of your body at any given time. From this understanding we can identify any strengths and weakness that your body has relating to flexibility, mobility and stability and make a plan to improve. In this stage functional movement principles developed by The Ready State will also be taught and used consistently as the language for coaching you in the gym and on the range.

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2. Grow

Now, with a complete picture of how your body is currently operating (TPI Screen) and a common understanding of how to best create and express your mobility and stability (TRS Principles), it’s time to grow! Ideal mechanics are cultivated in your movement lab (gym/studio) and then polished on the range. By building a solid foundation in the “Know” section we can figure out exactly what to work on and in exactly what order in the “Grow'“ section. We will work to improve existing limitations and ingrain ideal movement mechanics in all areas of your life so that your ideal swing can start to shine through.

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3. Show

When you understand why your body swings the way it does, the path to your ideal swing becomes clear. Addressing physical weaknesses and cleaning up your bio-mechanics through conscious awareness allows for your ideal swing to start to surface. The time comes now to actually show your results. A more functional swing that will increase both distance and accuracy becomes available and can be seen not just aesthetically on video with improved swing positions but in the data. Carefully optimized club and ball data are the last step to demonstrating your potential.


 The Body-Swing Connection

Your Body, Your Swing.


Don’t guess, assess.

There is one efficient way for you to swing and it is based on what your body can do. The TPI Screen will illuminate your dysfunction and allows us to make a plan for your improvement.